Many lives have been lost,
Over 50,000,000 Killed in WWII
For the future of freedom!
Your freedom to choose!

For Good and Great Purposes,
The Battle for Freedom begins in the land of imagination.
There is great peace in the heart that knows it has purpose.
There is great peace in this tug of war between stories.
Free the Genius of the People.
Magnificent People

Strength to Face the Impossible

it's real

However dysfunctional and despite the corruptions of our current government,
its legitamacy is derived from our rally call to freedom. Fought and died for,
the free market place of ideas has generated a culture where the 'rule of law'
enforces tolerance of alternatives, allowing descriptions of 'Emotional Anatomy'
Truth is the most attractive and compelling anatomy: The Story of Freedom.

--There is a reason for smaller government, composed of stagnant operators,
unmotivated to break free from their 'attitude addictions'
--and leadership, not yet aware of how the mind works,
has no choice but to argue legislated solutions.
Addiction is Slavery

We fight to free the citizens.   
Here begins our World War III.
Having won the political battle, to flourish, the free market requires free minds.
The battle for freedom begins in the land of imagination.
Free the genius of the people.

Myth and legend, story telling is the method of human wisdom. So 'the story of freedom' is
"...persuaded that the good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army.
They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves."
..."The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people,
is to give them full information of their affairs through the channel of the public papers,
and to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people."
(Jefferson, 1787)


What other scientists are saying




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