by Riggs Bailey Roberts, MD

"Thank you" restarts the mind thinking again--intelligent design--free to choose the most magnificent of options, the story of freedom.
What gets in the way?

"...that no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles." (The Declaration of Rights affixed to the beginning of the Virginia Constitution of 1776: Liberty, NOV/DEC 2001 p.4)

...gratitude starts the thinking process all over again. As a scientist, this is further proof of intelligent design. (Do you see what I see? Reproducible.)  Simplicity is fair and virtuous, 'Thank You!" We are free to once again pursue vision, hope, recognition, acceptance, morality, virtue, peace, joy, and prevention of vice and immorality, etc. "by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."  Thank You!! What will you choose?

"...laws for the encouragement of virtue, and prevention of vice and immorality, shall be made and constantly kept in force, and provision shall be made for their due execution." (Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776: Liberty, NOV/DEC 2001 p.4)

"Wisdom and knowledge, as well as virtue, diffused generally among the body of the people are necessary for the preservation of their rights and liberties." (Massachusetts Constitution of 1780: Liberty, NOV/DEC 2001 p.5)

James Madison, The Federalist #55: "Republican government presupposes the existence of virtue in a higher degree than any other form. Were people as depraved as some opponents of the Constitution say they are, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self-government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another." (from: Liberty, NOV/DEC 2001 p.4)

The Velvet Curtain: Concept used to describe the separation between Muslim thoughts and Western thoughts. Consider how hard it is to help an alcoholic recognize their sickness. Freedom to choose, What gets in the way?






©copyright 1991-2002 Gilgamesh Productions, all rights reserved
Riggs Bailey Roberts, MD
"Gratitude reboots the machine"