The provocative King

Gilgamesh, king of Uruk 5,000 years ago,
His quest for endless life was his legacy.
He fought for freedom from oppressive Gods.
With his friend Enkidu, destroyed Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven.
Together, the two friends moved people to build a magnificent city.
Alone, he found Utnapishtim, the man who survived the flood,
and brought back fruit from the tree of life.
His people could not understand,
nor could he force them to understand.
Seeker of truth, belittled in death,
twenty-first century superhero,
Gilgamesh returns with the eighth wonder of the world,
freedom to choose,
freedom to think,
freedom to live,


Free the Genius of Your People

The Spoken Operating System

The Story of Freedom

See The Movie

The New Movie

The Big Movie

The Wonder Movie







©copyright 1991-2002 Gilgamesh Productions, all rights reserved
Riggs Bailey Roberts, MD
"Gratitude reboots the machine."