Free the Genius of the People
Thought Technology

The mind made simple
so we can understand

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"Emotional Anatomy"--Intelligent Design


At extreme personal risk but for great good purpose,
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) ignored taboos and uncovered graves to study
detailed physical anatomy. Now, science continues its part in the privilege of discovering
the genius of God's creation, Emotional Anatomy. Intelligently designed, freedom explains our challenge,
the detailed study of how you were made is painful, exciting, magnificent, terrifying.
Complacent and unwilling, unaware of how it works, better to leave it buried,
"I shut down, a numbness comes over me, even my bliss,
there is no more pain, relief at last.
So what, no one understands."

The Tug of War Between Stories


Cognitive Surgery . com






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