Personal Significance
Contributing the hidden riches of your soul
The Mind Intelligently Designed
returns meaning and purpose to your life.
Can you learn to explain how your mind works?
Teach us how the Guerrillas captured your thoughts.
Giving the gift of freedom through relationships,
no greater love than the gift of your life.
"The tug of war between stories."
Egyptian leadership realized this and
broadcast a powerful mythological vision
to mobilize their people.
Their story told of how good people of Egypt
could live to join with Pharaoh forever
as stars in the heavens,
a vision Egyptian leadership used to motivate others to see
their free choice to make this world a better place to live,
or else.
Today, we People of Freedom are challenged
to offer
our best and uniquely personal contribution to
freely choosing magnificent creation,
grateful for the gift of freedom.
'The Story of Freedom'
The legacy we shall leave to the generations,
the confident truth that sets you free,
your story of personal significance,
compassion shares with friends,
Wonder Vision Wisdom
Intelligent Design
Child of God
The choices you make, make a difference.
This includes Palestinians, Israelis and
Islam (translated "submission")
Hindus, Buddhists, Christians
Coalition of the Willing
Freedom Forever
free creation
whose side
are you
Citizens Militia
personal significance
Your Story! What gets in the way?
Know the truth and it shall set you free.
free to refuse
People are the Product of Freedom
Free Creation
Intelligent Design
Guerrilla Wrestling
Guerrilla Mind Warfare
The Tug of War Between Stories
Wonder Vision Wisdom